Case Study - Fire Department

Montgomery County Fire and Rescue Service (MCFRS), a large countywide fire department with over 50 stations, faced significant challenges in their Community Risk Reduction (CRR) efforts due to outdated software and limited reporting capabilities. These issues made it difficult to effectively complete Community Risk Assessments (CRA) and streamline the collection of critical data addressing life-threatening risks, such as smoke alarm installations in economically disadvantaged neighborhoods.

How We Helped

MCFRS partnered with Futurity to develop a custom application designed to meet the specific needs of their department. The application facilitated varied use cases, dynamic task creation, and tracking capabilities linked to GIS, aligning with the department’s CRR objectives while being user-friendly for firefighters in the field. Deployed on both mobile and desktop platforms across all fire stations in the county, the solution provided a central command center dashboard, allowing easy reporting with data segmentation by geography, date, status, type, and employee.
By leveraging the Futurity Platform, MCFRS successfully addressed their challenges, improving their CRR efforts and annual CRA completion. The powerful features, including GIS Mapping & Layering, Mitigation, the Common Operating Picture Dashboard, and the Government Reporting Form Aggregator, enabled MCFRS to effectively manage risk within the community, ensuring ongoing funding and support. With the help of the Futurity Platform, MCFRS is now better equipped to protect the lives and well-being of Montgomery County residents.

Key Futurity Platform Features

GIS Mapping & Layering

The GIS-enabled map provided a comprehensive, layered view of CRR efforts, allowing MCFRS to analyze and measure the effectiveness of their life-saving campaigns using key insights and fire data. The team was able to use this information to proactively plan for and mitigate future events.

Common Operating Picture (COP) Dashboard

The COP Dashboard enabled Community Risk Reduction Managers and Fire Chiefs to streamline impact reporting and gain real-time situational awareness from the field. By visualizing and comparing outcomes from safety campaigns, they could identify trends, patterns, and insights to inform future decision-making.

Government Reporting Form Aggregator

This feature simplified the process of submitting various reports, such as smoke alarm installations, Safety in our Neighborhood, Community Presentations, Home Safety Checks, Fire Hydrant Inspections, Equipment Inspections, and more. This streamlined reporting facilitated better compliance and documentation.