Case Studies

Explore previous events to prepare for the future.

Emergency Management



The Disaster

Alabama state faced significant challenges in coordinating and documenting damage after natural disasters, such as tornadoes, flooding, and hurricanes. State and local government agencies needed a Common Operating Picture to enable all stakeholders to report on damage documentation effectively. They also needed an easy way for the public to self-report damage to homes, businesses, or farms. Without having the necessary technology, Alabama risked receiving lower FEMA reimbursements for damage because of an incomplete picture of public and private property due to natural disasters.

How We Helped

The Futurity Platform provided a Common Operating Picture and included public self-reporting to bolster the data, which created comprehensive and accurate reports. Our easy-to-use technology is applicable for cites and rural communities. We also enacted training scenarios to offset risk by anticipating the public’s needs.

The Result

During disasters, the Futurity Platform enabled all stakeholders to document and report damage seamlessly with our platform, with meaningful macro and micro data at their fingertips. Public self-reporting added another layer of valuable data, helping departments strengthen their FEMA submissions. Scenario training aided everyone in taking a proactive approach for future events in their communities. As a result of these efforts, all eligible counties impacted by the flooding were awarded Individual Assistance Declarations.


2023/2024 I TORNADOS

The Disaster

Kansas, ranking second in the U.S. for tornado activity, faced growing challenges in managing disaster response and damage assessments. The Office of Emergency Management (OEM) sought a solution that could streamline assessments, enhance situational awareness, and provide real-time visibility of community impacts. The OEM also needed a flexible, user-friendly tool to support both state-level and local emergency planning, ensuring seamless coordination between counties during major events.

How We Helped

Futurity partnered with the State OEM to roll out a comprehensive solution for emergency management. We delivered in-person training to every county, equipping users to capture, share, and analyze damage data effectively. Our platform’s real-time data coordination provided a unified view of incidents, enhancing collaboration across counties and improving situational awareness during statewide events.

The Result

The implementation of the Futurity Platform transformed emergency management across the state:

Improved Situational Awareness: GIS mapping and data layering provided stakeholders with a clearer understanding of impacted areas, enabling quicker response times.
Enhanced Coordination with a Common Operating Picture:Local and state teams worked from a shared view, ensuring unified efforts during emergencies and faster damage assessments.
Seamless Reporting to FEMA: Automated reporting accelerated FEMA’s response, improving the state’s access to federal resources and funding.

The State of Kansas has significantly strengthened its ability to respond to tornadoes and other natural disasters, ensuring better protection for its communities and citizens.



The Disaster

Iowa’s counties previously relied on manual data collection and outdated reporting systems, leading to slow and inefficient emergency responses. Recognizing the need for a modern, unified solution, the Iowa Emergency Management Agency made a groundbreaking decision to adopt the Futurity Platform statewide—providing every county in Iowa with the tools needed to improve disaster management and coordination.

How We Helped

The statewide rollout of the Futurity Platform revolutionized Iowa’s disaster response by standardizing processes across all counties. Our easy-to-use system empowered emergency managers with real-time data, allowing them to make faster, better-informed decisions. With comprehensive training, Futurity fostered collaboration between teams across the state, ensuring all users were proficient and ready to respond effectively.

Improved Situational Awareness: GIS mapping and data layering provided stakeholders with a clearer understanding of impacted areas, enabling quicker response times.
Scalable for Every County: Whether handling small incidents or large-scale disasters, the platform’s versatility ensures smooth operations for all jurisdictions.

The Result

Statewide Impact: By providing the platform to every county, Iowa established a unified, consistent approach to disaster management—improving coordination across regions.




The Disaster

The State of Oregon’s Department of Human Services (ODHS) sought to improve its support to vulnerable populations affected by disasters. They lacked situational awareness, the ability to triage the most critical cases, and didn’t have a system to gather and track the needed data.

How We Helped

Futurity and ODHS collaborated in a state-wide project to track Individual Needs Assessments (INA) for vulnerable individuals and families during and after a disaster. The ineffective paper trail was replaced by seamlessly integrating questions and data into a simple mobile application.

The Result

With Futurity’s Platform, the entire population metrics are available in a single view, increasing accuracy for situational understanding. Disaster Management personnel can quickly interview survivors at shelters or mass care locations after disasters and compile pertinent information into a central location. With a comprehensive picture, the teams triage efficiently and provide ongoing support.

Lahaina, Hawaii

2023 I FIRE

The Disaster

In August 2023, the State of Hawaii experienced wind-driven wildfires. The tragic wildfire resulted in over 100 lives lost, over 6,000 people displaced from their homes, more than 2,200 structures damaged, and over $5.5 billion in damages. Multiple state agencies, non-governmental organization, and external entities collaborated to assist the affected survivors. The primary challenge was coordinating efforts to provide mass care, such as shelter and immediate needs.

How We Helped

The Hawaii Department of Human Services adopted Futurity’s Platform to better manage the recovery process by consolidating complex data to meet FEMA’s reporting requirements. Having a user-friendly technology to conduct standardized Individual Needs Assessments allowed for effective assistance and capturing vital data, such as information about housing, medical needs, social services, transportion, and shelter transition. Our streamlined process ensures accurate and timely updates on survivor status.

The Result

The Futurity Platform provided Interim Disaster Case Management for HDHS, consolidating and managing survivor data and case manager engagement. GIS Mapping and Layering benefit disaster case managers with photos and coordinates for each person or family. The Common Operating Picture ensures the data is updated and reported in real-time, assisting survivors in their recovery and rebuilding efforts.



The Disaster

The University of California, Irvine (UC Irvine) recognized the need to proactively prepare for the possibility of an active shooter scenario. As part of their efforts, the university needed to conduct thorough inspections of more than 200 campus buildings, both inside and out. This process required precise reporting, identifying potential vulnerabilities, and implementing mitigation strategies to enhance campus safety.

How We Helped

Futurity partnered with UC Irvine’s Emergency Management Department and Doberman Emergency Management to design and execute a detailed inspection plan. Our disaster management platform played a critical role by:
• Identifying security vulnerabilities
• Offering actionable options for remediation
• Providing a Common Operating Picture (COP) for seamless coordination during a potential event
With GIS mapping and layering integrated into the COP, stakeholders gained enhanced situational awareness, ensuring all campus buildings were assessed effectively.

The Result

UC Irvine now benefits from greater visibility into risks and hazards across the campus. The Common Operating Picture enables the university’s emergency team to easily visualize and manage risks through GIS tools, facilitating informed decisions in real-time. Thanks to this proactive approach, UC Irvine is better equipped to respond to emergencies.

Department of Transportation


2024 I FLOOD

The Disaster

A rare flash flood caused widespread damage in Marion County, Arkansas in 2022. Significant rainfall occurred within a few hours, affecting roads and surface areas. Major flooding made travel extremely dangerous, and officials warned people to stay home. Previously, damage assessments were completed with GIS locations of the incidents but lacked meaningful context or a comprehensive picture for the overall response and recovery effort.

How We Helped

The Roads Department used Futurity’s mobile app to capture detailed information about road and surface damage, taking pictures and capturing precise geocoordinates that provided a comprehensive picture of the disaster. Many rural areas were outside cell or Wi-Fi service range, but this did not inhibit collection activities. Our mobile capabilities work with or without internet connectivity. Marion County’s team created a concise visual summary of the roads and areas affected, with detailed reports from the field, containing actionable data. Our system allowed officials to streamline damage assessment reports to the State of Arkansas. With a comprehensive global view of damage, teams efficiently worked on recovery.

The Result

In the flood’s aftermath, damage to roads and other surfaces was quickly addressed and prioritized by severity. The Common Operating Picture and GIS Mapping and Layering allowed all involved parties to toggle between individual incidents and viewing the full scope of damage for more effective resource allocation. Through Futurity’s streamlined system, damage assessment reports promptly reached the State of Arkansas for faster processing. Marion County is now prepared for future floods by recording flood patterns in targeted areas. Creating better plans and having accurate records has greatly enhanced efforts of response teams.


“We have a lot of rural areas in our county with no cell service so being able to use the mobile app offline was a huge help.”

– Melissa Penn, Disaster Prep, Marion County

Sutter County, California


The Disaster

Sutter County, California experienced historic rainstorms, wind, and flooding in February 2024. The broad range of data required to document the emergency provided a challenge because disaster managers needed to include the status of riverbanks, canals, roads, and community services, such as fire and sewage treatment.

How We Helped

During the event, Futurity led a virtual “just in time” technology training session for the Sutter County Office of Emergency Management (OEM). With our mobile platform for reporting and damage assessment, the Sutter County team quickly assessed potential damage to public infrastructure. Our comprehensive system streamlined working with FEMA. Officials of FEMA and Sutter County OEM met and reviewed all assessed damage to public infrastructure. All data was compiled in the Futurity Platform and was easily accessed through the mobile app while physically reviewing damaged sites. Officials also input real-time data about damage to homes and agricultural areas, auto-generating reports for government aid requests.

The Result

After the disaster, Futurity continued to partner with the Sutter County Team, visiting each impacted site and reviewing the documentation and damage for further opportunities to increase clarity and engage in disaster mitigation, planning for future events. Preparation is crucial for sites that frequently sustain damage, such as floodplains. The Futurity platform provides the latest technology to keep Sutter County ready to protect its community.

Sacramento, California


The Disaster

Powerful and deadly storms struck Sacramento County for two months, creating massive flood damage to roads, buildings, and individual homes. Additional damage was caused by wind, toppling trees into cars and houses. The Roads, Buildings, Parks and Emergency Services Department was tasked with documenting the extensive damage.

How We Helped

Exact GIS coordinates, photos, and damage assessments were needed by multiple parties in the recovery efforts. The Futurity Platform provided one place for all the needed data. We held a pivotal training where 40 people from multiple departments learned how to utilize mobile technology to quickly and simply collect the needed data. Futurity’s technology included an easy method for public self-reporting. Justified assessments of damage made a large impact in the community.

The Result

Bringing key data and reporting metrics in real-time to leadership at the county, state, and federal level fast-tracked the county’s claims for state and federal recovery reimbursement. This situation led to one of the first successful Individual Assistance (IA) Declarations, and every county that applied, received aid. The unprecedented situational awareness and accurate reporting from the Futurity Platform were essential factors for this success story.


Montgomery County, Maryland

2024 I FIRE

The Disaster

Montgomery County Fire and Rescue Service (MCFRS), which includes 54 fire stations, faced a challenge with its Community Risk Reduction (CRR) efforts because of outdated software. They needed unlimited reporting capabilities, multi-platform integration, and a user-friendly system. It was difficult for MCFRS to complete an effective annual Community Risk Assessment (CRA) and obtain data about life-threatening risks, such as smoke alarm installations in economically disadvantaged neighborhoods.

How We Helped

Futurity partnered with MCFRS to develop a custom application. With our platform’s flexibility, we created an application that worked for multiple situations, dynamic task-creation, and track capabilities linked to GIS Mapping and Layering. We kept it user-friendly and deployed the system for mobile and desktop usage. With a central command center dashboard, data is easily collected and automatically reported.

The Result

Powerful features, including GIS Mapping & Layering, Mitigation, the Common Operating Picture Dashboard, and the Government Reporting Form Aggregator, enabled MCFRS to effectively manage risk within the community, ensuring ongoing funding and support. MCFRS is now better equipped to protect the lives and well-being of Montgomery County’s residents.

yuba county, california

2017 I FIRE

The Disaster

The Cascade wildfire damaged over 200 structures and over 9,000 acres. Yuba County needed a fast response after this devastating event to help the public and to gather data to request federal aid.

How We Helped

The Supervising Building Official led four teams, using Futurity’s mobile technology. They quickly and easily documented the damage to destroyed homes, creating geocoded pictures with detailed reports from their assessments, easily shared through the Common Operating Picture. FEMA received property reports in record time, enabling a fast disaster declaration.

The Result

The disaster management team and FEMA instantly received a comprehensive picture of damages sustained during the wildfire. Gaining situational awareness increased efficiency in understanding the disaster’s breadth and how it affected structures and people, allowing the community to begin the recovery process.