Case Studies

Hall County, Nebraska

Hall County Director of Emergency Management, Jon Rosenlund has led 20 trainings and exercises over the past five years using the Orion Damage Assessment Solution and used Orion in over 20 events.


The Orion Damage Assessment Solution includes an API that provides instant access to Orion live data including incidents, addresses, damage assessments and pictures.

Maryland VOAD

Record breaking rainfall pummeled west Baltimore City and surrounding counties in 2018, causing flooding and significant loss of property to residents and impact on the community.

Winterville, North Carolina

The Orion Damage Assessment Solution’s real time data collection from the field with GIS mapping allowed Chief Moore to see the damage information as his team collected it from the field.

Cascade Wildfire

The Orion Damage Assessment Solution provided quick and accurate mobile collection of property damage from the field as well as geo-coded photos, that were instantly shared with the Orion Dashboard.

State University of New York

Futurity IT prioritizes education and training for both it's customers and those entering the field of public safety.

NE Custer

Custer County’s implementation of Orion began with a live online webinar where both the mobile and dashboard component were presented in an easy-to-understand format with training videos and an online manual available for support during the training process.