Public Safety

Innovative technology solutions for proactive public safety planning

Every individual has the right to live in a safe and secure community, and to receive support in critical times of need.

Our Disaster Management Software empowers teams within Emergency Management, Fire Departments, Health and Human Services and the Department of Transportation to mitigate risks, prevent disasters before they occur, and create a safer future for their communities.

Case Studies

University of California, Irvine


Fire & Rescue Montgomery County, Maryland

GIS Mapping & Layering

Visualize and analyze critical data related to transportation, health, and emergency management for incidents ranging from transportation accidents and active shooter situations to fire and ambulance community response. See a layered, comprehensive view of critical incident data, and leverage insights to quickly analyze and measure effectiveness of response tactics.

Common Operating Picture (COP) Dashboard

See real-time data and resources from any location - desktop, phone or ipad - allowing flexibility and agility in emergency response efforts.

Government Reporting Form Aggregator

Streamline government reporting processes post-incident, saving time and ensuring that funding and financial resources are received quickly and compliant with regulations.

Mitigation Planning

Proactively plan for potential emergencies and disaster by identifying and addressing risks in advance. More effectively undertake community planning and risk reduction efforts, and reduce the impact of adverse events on the community.